Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Saturday Night - Pats 28th at Longroom.

Saturday night was the party celebration for Pat and my cousin Michaels 28th birthdays. We normally get all the cousins together and go to Longroom on Collins Street. Love it there because its more of an older crowd, has a Sushi bar on one side and Spanish tapas on the other, lots of booths with couches good music most of the time.
My husband - hahaa made him pose for this. Wearing De Puta Madre shirt, Absolut Joy jeans, grey patent shoes, Rare leather cuff.

Detail of the back of his shirt.

The birthday boys!


Me and my sister, with our awesome Uncle.

With gorgeous S.

My hunny cousin Em, S and me.

In the booth!

It was a great night, but we were both stuffed from the night before, so we left at 2am. An early one! My sister and a few of my other party animal cousins got home at 7. pfft how can they be stuffed. LOL.

So me and Pat got home and we were starving so we scoffed big packs of Twisties and Cheezels and Burger Rings!!! Yum Yum. I think this is the best part of the night sometimes. Cozying up with Pat and food..what more could I want??!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha very funny...the pics are good!
Pat looks hot!